
The secret is in the praliné


Founding state of the european community and seat of NATO, Belgium is a land of contrasts and historical heritages. It’s worth to discover.

The North and the South
Belgium is geographically and socially divided between two regions. On the north, Flanders with the historical cities of Antwerp and Bruges, where the Flemish language is a proudly spoken. On the south, there's francophone region of Wallonia, where some people also speak German. The capital Brussels is practically in the dividing line.

The Arnolfini Portrait
It’s the treasure of gothic european painting, Van Eyck being one of the masters of the Flemish school alongside with Bruegel and Rubens. In the XX century, Magritte was an exponent of surrealism and Jacques Brell became eternal with “Ne Me Quitte Pas”. Need more reasons to book a flight?

Brussels X
Belgium / Brussels
Family Culture Gastronomy Nightlife
From US$601 Departure from Accra, Round-trip

Find Belgium

  • Brussels X
    Belgium Brussels
    Family Culture Gastronomy Nightlife

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