Need more time to think?
When you book online, take advantage of the Time to Think option and plan your trip with more peace of mind and at the price you want.
Pre-book your flight for 48 hours, 5 or 10 days.
Buy the time you need to think, and during that time, the seat is yours. Complete the booking process later, with the same price and conditions.
How does it work?
1 - Choose where you want to go and select the desired dates and fare.
2 - When booking online, choose to save your booking for 48 hours, 5 or 10 days.
(This option is available to passengers with at least 7 days between the time of booking and the departure of the desired flight).
3 - If you wish to proceed with the booking, you can do so in one of the following ways:
- Follow the steps in the link sent to your email address;
- Access Manage your Booking;
- In the "My Trips" tab (green bar at the top of this page), enter the details of your pre-booking.
For more information on Time to Think terms and conditions, please visit our section of
You can check the price of the Time to Think service applicable to your trip during the booking process on flyTAP. Prices may vary depending on the length of time in advance of purchase, date of travel and its origin and destination.